Pakistan is a land of peace and harmony where the majority of all non-Muslim minorities live in the spirit of national unity and humanity in the interaction of social and economic life. The white color in Pakistan flag represents the equal rights of minorities. This indicates that they should not feel alienated and backward while living in Pakistan.
In every era of government, Pakistan has made efforts to eradicate the sense of deprivation in the society for the minorities, to ensure social and economic equality for them and a proper place in the system.
Equal rights are being given to non-Muslim minorities in Pakistan since the establishment of Pakistan. We have strong passion and support for all minorities in all walks of life, including employment, social and economic rights. Despite the fact that all minorities in India, including Muslims, face difficult circumstances. But we have the same passion for social and economic equality for the Hindu & Sikh minority in Pakistan.
A few months ago, a news spread all over the world, including the Indian press that a young Hindu, Rahul Dev, had become the first fighter pilot of the Pakistan Air Force. The Pakistani Hindu youth hails from a remote village in Tharparkar District, Sindh Province. Proudly selected for this sacred duty for the motherland, this young Hindu received messages of congratulations not only from the entire nation but from all over the world.
Even the Indian press, which has been spreading false propaganda about human rights and minorities affairs in Pakistan, was also saying that the Hindu minority in Pakistan is living with equal rights in all walks of life with equal rights in all walks of life.
However, even in this selection, two aspects were highlighted. One is that our forces are selected on the basis of transparent merit. An eligible youth can be selected on merit even if he belongs to a remote rural area. Second, the inclusion of minorities in our important national duty indicates that they are as qualified as Muslim citizens for professional responsibilities in such important and sensitive positions.
The atrocities of state terrorism against Muslims in Kashmir and the persecution of Muslims and non-Hindu religions all over India spread false propaganda against Pakistan, but apart from a few self-made incidents by conspiratorial elements, practically minorities in Pakistan Have equal rights. World knows that Rana Bhagwan Das, who belongs to the Hindu minority in Pakistan, had held a prime positions such as Chief Justice of Pakistan.
In this regard, the presence of Hindu and Sikh soldiers and officers in the Pakistan Army, Air force and Navy and the active and satisfactory role of these minority soldiers in national and social life is before the whole world.
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Pakistan and the Armed Forces have always proved by their policies that Pakistan cares for its people and all minorities equally on the basis of equal rights. And the military honors and medals awarded to Christian, Hindu and Sikh soldiers in the 1965 and 1971 wars are a testament to the fact that minorities love and cherish their motherland and have a passion for serving the country and the nation in their hearts. Is rippling.
May Almighty keep Pakistan safe from the nefarious conspiracies of the enemies and the nefarious plans of religious hatred. Long live Pakistan, long live Armed Forces of Pakistan۔
BY : Flight Lieutenant Behzad Hassan
ایٹمی میزائلوں سے لیس جے ایف 17 تھنڈر فائٹر کے جدید ورژن بلاک 3 کی فضائی برتری