A true soldier means physical fitness, mental strength, endless power of resistance and great stamina. Requirements of physical fitness test for candidates for commissioned officers in all three forces, Pakistan Army, Navy and Air force are almost same or similar. These are;
- Running Test: For 1.6 km in 7 minutes and 30 seconds. This is the speed of 12 km per hour.
- 15 Push ups in 2 minutes, that is, 8 second per push up
- 3 Pull ups (chin ups) in 2 minutes, that means, 40 seconds per pull up
- 15 Sit ups (abdominal) in 2 minutes, its 8 seconds per sit up.
- In this regards to make yourself fit enough, you have to start exercises at least three months ahead of your physical fitness tests.
There can be a change in the physical test’s requirements for all forces, based on various factors, those may be, age and gender. For every age group, there is a relaxation in the physical standards as the age goes up. In this connection the requirements are also relaxed in case of female candidates.
No physical test is required in Pakistan Army for doctors induction in any age group for both general duty medical officers and Specialists. However it’s required there in medical branches of Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air force. General requirements for a commissioned officer induction in armed forces are briefly mentioned here.
1) Minimum Height – 5 feet 4 inches
2) Weight – As per BMI (Body Mass Index) Chart. It can be easily find on net and you may know the required weight on software calculator by your age, height and build.
3) Eyesight – 6/6 without glasses.
4) Candidate should not be color blind
5) No apparent physical defect.
6) Remember that you would have to go naked. Primarily to check that you have not grown breast or something to the effect. A guy would also inspect your genitals with his hands especially the testicles.
FINAL MEDICAL TEST (After clearance of ISSB)
1) Remember that all the above mentioned initial medical checks would be redone.
2) Chest X-ray
3) Blood detail tests and pathological picture
4) Urine culture / pathological test
5) A visit to ENT specialist – He will look into your ears for ear drum damage test etc.
6) A visit to Surgical and Medical specialist.
7) You would have to go naked again. This time you will also be required to do things like bending over, showing your behind to the doc and coughing.
In this regards the most tough medial fitness test is conducted for Pakistan air force’s fighter pilot (gdp branch). This CMB is special medical test is held in Masroor Air Base Karachi. PAF has a hospital in that base where almost 3 to 4 working days are spent by the candidates. Here is the sequence of tests for gdp (general duty pilot / fighter pilot). They may vary a bit for non GD groups and for those the required tests might be a bit less tough and less in number)
- Blood and urine test.
- X-ray for chest.
- ENT (Ear, DNS) Checkup by a ENT specialist doctor
- A test for ears in which they place a headphone on your ears and tell u that if u hear a beep in left or right ear then press respective button on a small panel.
- Physical Exam (Height, weight, Chest measurements)
- Surgical Exam
- Heart beat Checkup by doctor
- Then many tests of Eyes (ranging from Color blindness to check if there is any disease) quite hectic and time consuming tests.
When you clear your CMB (Combined Medical Board) , you then go for the Flying Aptitude test. It used to be held in PAF selection center Karachi, but now it has been shifted to PAF selection center Rawalpindi
For More Information, you may visit these Pakistan Armed Forces sites
Medical and Fitness Test for Pakistan Army Selection
Medical Fitness For Selection in Pakistan Army
For any question and more guidance
Whatsapp +923344499911
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