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Turkish F-16s performed an aerobatic show on Pakistan Day

The fraternal relations between three ironic brothers, Pakistan and Turkey are getting stronger and stronger

The fraternal relations between three ironic brothers, Pakistan and Turkey are getting stronger and stronger

A famous aerobatic team SOLOTURK of the Turkish Air Force arrived in Islamabad on the occasion of Pakistan’s National Day.

The Turkish Air Force’s aerobatic team of F-16 fighter jets presented a unique aerial display at the Pakistan Day Parade on this 23rd March.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense said on its official Twitter that the aerobatic team of F-16 fighter jets of the Turkish Air Force demonstrated aerial skills in the celebrations of Pakistan’s National Day to express the everlasting friendship and fraternal relationship with Pakistan.

Pakistan Day is celebrated on March 23, 1940 at Minar Pakistan Lahore to commemorate the adoption of the Pakistan Resolution at a meeting of the All India Muslim League. In which the Muslims of the subcontinent under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had set an agenda for the creation of a separate independent homeland for the Muslims.

Historically, the first constitution of Pakistan was drafted on March 23, 1956 and Pakistan was recognized as the first Islamic republic in the world.

The fraternal relations between three ironic brothers, Pakistan and Turkey are getting stronger and stronger. China-Pakistan-Turkey political, economic and defense alliance is becoming the strongest alliance in the region.


Long Live PakistanTurkey Friendship


Turkish Air Force Aerobatic Team


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Farooq Rashid Butt
Farooq Rashid Butt
Editor in Chief of Defence Times and Voice of Pakistan, a defence analyst, patriotic blogger, poet and web designer. The passionate flag holder of world peace


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